Object: original Japanese woodblock print (left part of a diptych)
Genre: ukiyo-e 浮世絵 pictures of the floating world
Artist: Toyohara Kunichika 豊原国周 (1835-1900), signed Kunichika ga 国周画
Print title: Actor Iwai Shijaku II as Shirai Gonpachi 白井権八 岩井紫若(二代目)
Print subject: a young fugitive samurai wanted for murder and theft
Play: Mukashi Banashi Homare Soga 昔噺誉曽我
Theater: Nakamura 中村
Publisher: Izutsuya Shokichi 井筒屋庄吉
Carver: Katada Chojiro 片田長次郎, marked Katada Hori Cho 片田彫長
Censor’s seal: Rat 1 aratame 子正改
Material: washi 和紙 Japanese paper
Technique: nishiki-e 錦絵 multi-coloured woodblock printing
Year: 1864, 1st month
Condition: good, slight fold marks, a more significant vertical fold reinforced on the back
Dimensions: 24 x 35 cm
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